During his time, the Muslim population multiplied with the demand to increase the Madrasah capacity too, so the old Methodist Church and Sunday school building was bought in 1968. The whole building was refurbished and used as a Madrasah and Masjid.
The work on the Madrasah project commenced initially at a cost of £1.8million rising finally to £2.7 million adding an extra floor to the original plan.
In present day, the Madrasah have a team of more than fifty dedicated and committed members of staff. Furthermore, there are now, more than 800 students being taught the Qur’an, Fiqh, Seerah, Hifz and various other particulars of Islam within a modern and spectacular building made up of 40 classrooms, prayer halls on each floor, w/c facilities on each floor, offices, libraries, a large and spacious hall used both to deliver advanced classes to girls and supplementary classes to the local ladies who desire to improve and increase their knowledge of Islam. This hall is also used on occasions when there Islamic lectures and presentation ceremonies take place. Madrasah Islamiyah is conducting and operating a successfully pre-school set up (Darul Urquoom Nursery) within the building. The Trust is built for various religious, educational, and social elements and above all the Madrasah is being used to its full potential with students of over 1000 and increasing yearly.