Darul Arqum


Free Fun, Friendly and Stimulating Child Centred

Pre-school Provision for 2 to 5 year olds

9.00am – 3.30pm


If you would like to apply for a place for your child, or you would like further information, please contact us during nursery hours

On 01924 423786 or Email Us: Office@danursery.co.uk

The quality of teaching is good. Staff understand how children learn and provide a wide range of planned and freely-chosen play opportunities to enhance children’s development across all areas of learning. Children are cared for in a calm and caring atmosphere, which creates a positive learning environment for all.

Children are confident, happy and settled in the relaxed and friendly atmosphere of the nursery. Children form warm and trusting relationships with the staff, who ensure that their well-being, safety and individual needs are effectively met.

Children enjoy their time at the nursery. They actively participate in a wide and exciting range of learning opportunities, tailored to meet their individual learning needs and interests.